Can I also use the GOK red pressure regulator for the gas barbecue?
The “red pressure regulator” refers to a special type of pressure regulator. These are the pressure regulators with the highest safety standard, type EN61-DS. This fitting is expressly suitable for use in buildings. Can it also be used in the open air without any concern, for example on a gas barbecue or outdoor heater?
The clear answer: Yes! The pressure reducers with the order numbers 05 150 00, 05 150 02 and 05 150 06 can also be used outdoors. This applies to both private and commercial use. Whether this also makes sense is another question. But more about this below. Red pressure regulators of type EN61-DS are always fitted with at least the following:
- Over-pressure safety device S2SR
- Visual indicator
- Thermal cut-out device
- Pressure gauge
Differences between the pressure regulators
This equipment is included by the pressure regulator with order number 05 150 00. The fitting with the end number -02 also has an integrated excess flow device. The difference between 05 150 00 and 05 150 06 is only that the first one has a straight outlet and the second one is angled by 90 degrees.
In the GOK product range, there are also silver and black pressure regulators of the same type. Unlike the red, there is a small but fine difference: The silver and black versions always lack the thermal cut-out device. It is a central requirement in order to be able to use the pressure regulator indoors as well.
Suitable for outdoor use and with a few safety devices included: the silver pressure regulator with part number 01 150 12.
Brief summary
To sum up: You can use the red pressure regulators of the type EN61-DS both indoors and outdoors. In a sense, this fitting does everything thanks to the vast range of safety devices and versatile area of use. Silver pressure regulators of the same type may only be used if the gas equipment, such as radiant heater or outdoor heater, is located outdoors.
The black pressure regulators are the so-called barbecue regulators, and you should be able to derive their purpose from the name. These pressure reducers are specially designed for barbecuing with LPG and therefore for outdoor barbecue use.
The black pressure regulators, known as “barbecue regulators” are specially designed for barbecuing with LPG. This means that the user can use the pressure regulator outdoors.
Useful or not?
Finally, we should repeat the question of whether it makes sense to use the red pressure regulator outdoors. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this; however, if you leave the system permanently outdoors in wind and weather conditions, it should be remembered that the coupling nut of the red pressure regulator is made of steel. This means: If you frequently loosen the nut, screw it back on again and expose the regulator to the weather unprotected, you must expect that the nut will start to rust.
In contrast, the silver and black pressure regulators have a brass coupling nut. However, both must not be used within buildings because they lack the thermal cut-out device.
If you use the gas equipment exclusively as a private individual and only outdoors, no safety devices are required at all. However, we are increasingly aware that barbecue users like to spend a few euros more with safety-relevant system components.
Silver pressure regulators without safety devices are permitted according to the standard. Many barbecue users are making increasing use of pressure reducers with safety devices.
Example: gazebo
Why it makes sense to use the red pressure reducer outdoors as well: Let’s take the example of a gazebo or an allotment. There you have a gas stove in the hut as well as an outdoor heater so you can spend cooler evenings outdoors. If you don’t want to get two different pressure reducers, it makes sense to buy just the red pressure regulator of type EN61-DS.
You can use this as a pressure regulator for the gas stove in the hut. If you disconnect the hose assembly there, carry the gas cylinder and the pressure regulator to the outside and connect it to the outdoor heater, you also use a permitted pressure reducer. Depending on how long the hose assembly is, please note the following: From which hose length do I need an excess flow device?